A couple weeks ago O had slept in our bed. after waking up for the third time she stood straight up.  I told her, "be careful of the fan above our bed. After your recent growth spurt I don't want you to get caught in the blades."  She rolled her eyes and said, "Mommy, I'm still too short to do so."  I replied, "Ok, well just be aware of it because as you grow older you will get taller."  She put her hands on her hips, wrinkled up her face with a questioning look and said, "Mommy, I'm NOT going to sleep with you when I'm ten!"

Then last night, O started out again in her own bed.  However, just after midnight she came into our room with her Knuffle Bunny, her maimie (blanket) and her Jesus Pillow (a recent gift from her Nana).  Each one individually flew threw the air only to land in between us.  O crawled in the bed following the stuffed and silky missles.  She said she had woken up in the dark and was scared.  I obliged since it was me who forgot to turn her nightlight on when I tucked her into bed earlier.    

Since she's been fighting a cold like the rest of the world, around 1:00 am she started kicking the covers off, sat up and with her eyes closed, started to cry saying, "my nose, I can't get it."  She was referring to the mucus that drains into one side of the nose and can become very uncomfortable (aka snot).  My husband went and got a tissue while I asked her to lay on her side so the nose could drain.  She did so.  Once the mucus was balanced she blew her nose, only for her to wake up a half hour later to say, "My nose, I can't get it again."  

Around 3:00 am I took O back to her bed.  In preparation for me to sleep with her I grabbed my pillow, her maimie, Knuffle Bunny and her Jesus pillow.  She went right back to sleep and I laid there in the dark, eyes wide opened.  I finally fell asleep at 4:00 am.  It didn't last long as O, with tears in her eyes, woke me again around 4:30 am to tell me she couldn't find her Jesus pillow.  I got out of bed and retraced my steps to find the Jesus pillow.  I checked her bed, our bed and finally found it on the floor in the hallway right outside my bedroom door.  She went back to sleep only to awaken again around 5:00 am to tell me she needed to use the bathroom.  She did so.  A couple hours later we were up getting ready for school.  

Over breakfast this morning, I mentioned to my husband that I feel a bit like I'm failing at this motherhood thing.  He reassured me that I wasn't.  

O must have heard him because a few minutes later, while I was helping her with her shoes she said, "Mommy, is being a mother hard?"  I contemplated whether I should tell her the truth or white lie it until she was older.  I said, "It can be. Yes."  She said, "Oh I get it.  You just have to practice at it, right?"  I responded, "I guess so.  What's that mean?"  She said, "Because practice makes perfect mommy, and the older I get, the better you will be."

I sent her to school and went straight to the bank where I started her a "therapy" bank account.  Kindergarten SUCKS!