Thursday, November 3, 2011

Dissecting Words Nourishes the Soul

Words are becoming so interesting to O.  She eats, sleeps and breathes them.  They are nourishing her sweet five year old soul.  And I can't help but consider what I must have felt dissecting words for the first time.  Every day it's something new.  "Mommy, how do you spell...?"  She's at that stage where she can't read the words, per say, however, she wants to sound them out. 

The other night in the bathtub O saw a word on the faucet that started with a “k” and ended with an “r”.  She thought it said “clear”.  It actually said Kohler.  I stopped myself before I corrected her and instead said, "Hmm...why do you think it says clear?"  O replied, "Maybe because the water is clear?  But it doesn't really matter, mommy, because up there by the handle it says “OFF”.  Mommy, wouldn't it be funny if it said cough?  Get it?  Cough?  Like the spout is coughing water."  Hilarious five year old humor!  

This morning when I woke up O, I told her it's Thursday and she can look forward to an after school play date with her friend.  The first thing out of her mouth: "Mommy, wouldn't it be so funny if we didn't have the word "day" at the end of the days of the week?  Then we would say, Today is Thurs when it's Thursday and Fri when it's Friday and Satur when it's Saturday."  We giggled.  "Yes O, that would be silly.  We'd say on Satur your cousins are coming over.  Then on Sun we will go to church.  Yes O, that would be very silly."  

We got ready for school and I walked O to the bus stop.  On the way back, I couldn't help but think about the days of the week without "day" at the end.  So we would have Mon, Tues, Wednes?  Wait.  Would we call it Wednes or would we call it Wendz like we pronounce it

Later. I asked my friend at the dog park and he laughed and told me I should send it in to a comedian to use for a comedy routine.  All of a sudden, I started noticing words all around me.  Signs in the park, street signs, even license plates.  Words that I look at everyday and never really take notice of.  Why, in fact, I too was dissecting words.  When I got home I  realized that I had locked myself out of the house.  And then I couldn't help to think about cuss words.  Could it be possible that one day O will ask me, "Mom, how do spell "Oh &%$*?"  Kindergarten SUCKS!

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