Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Goldfish for Breakfast

O has had fever the last couple of days.  There's a school rule that if your child has a fever 100 degrees or more you must keep the child home for 24 hours.  Her fever this morning was just below that.

I too have been sick with what appears to be a stomach virus.  My husband left early for work.  These days O is all about solving her own dilemmas; so after she got herself dressed, she went downstairs to find something to eat.  She came back upstairs with goldfish crackers because it was in the only drawer within her reach.  When she asked me if I'd open up the bag for her, I told her that I would, but then asked "But don't you want me to make you a bagel w/ creamy on it?".  

"That will take too long, Mommy", she said.  Does she mean awhile like awhile for me to get out of bed, or awhile for me to toast it and put the cream cheese on it?  Ugh!  The guilt.  I got her off to school then put my head under the covers and went back to sleep!  My daughter had goldfish for breakfast.  Kindergarten SUCKS!

1 comment:

  1. My eighth grader still has goldfish for breakfast if we have them in the house and she hasn't eaten them for supper the night before. Marsha in L'borg
