Monday, March 5, 2012

Fever After Paradise

Aloha!  I apologize for my absence.

In theory, I returned from my Hawaiian seven day silent meditation retreat detoxified and tanned, a quieted mind and an opened heart.  The reality: possible mono, possible strep, possible flu influenza.  After fever, chills, stomach aches, headaches, vomiting and three doctor's visits, the diagnosis is two different viral infections.  It began with O and has taken refuge in mommy.  

Kindergarten SUCKS!

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear...I think traveling (not to mention the cultural practice of co-habitating small germ incubators in public school arenas) exposes us to new and exciting viruses...I hope you are both well soon. My cold seems to be getting better (or maybe I'm just not noticing it so much after the second glass of "Mad Housewife" I opted for in lieu of solid food tonight). xxoo
