Monday, March 12, 2012

For Sale: Lemonade and Paintings

Today O and her dear friend Zelda had a play date.  Because it was a balmy 70 degrees outside, halfway through the play date they decided to open a lemonade stand.  Thank God for Crystal Light! (and Crystal Gayle for all the country girls) We set up tables and chairs, and they made signs to charge customers $1 dollar per glass (I'm still not sure what economy they are living in, but liked their ambition).  They set out some miscellaneous items to sell for those partial to a Stuckey’s like experience.  Zelda, however, didn't have anything on her table to sell, so she went in and drew crayon pictures of dogs, cats, pumpkins and flowers.  She then set out to sell her "paintings" for a dollar.

They were both so excited.  In her New England accent Zelda yelled out, "Paintings for sale.  One dollar.  Get your paintings."  While O yelled, "Get your nice cool lemonade.  One dollar.  Ice cold lemonade."

Ten minutes later and no money made, Zelda looked at me and said, "Where's the customers?  This is hard.  I'm bored."  Then O chimed in, "Me too mommy.  I'm bored too.  Can you go and get your purse so you can be a customer."

Kindergarten SUCKS!

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