Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Where Does Color Stop?

After O's doctor's appointment yesterday we went to see the sensorial exhibit involving color, light, reflection and shadow at the Hirschorn Museum.  Her preschool class had studied light and shadow last year and her preschool teachers had recommended it.  IT WAS SO COOL!   I recommend it highly!

After the exhibit this is the conversation that we had as we headed back to our car:
T: "O, where does color end?"  
O:  (Long pause) "I'm not sure."
T:  "What is color?"
O:  "Color is all around us.  It's right there on those flowers [pansies]...purple, yellow, green."
T:  "Oh I see.  Where does color stop?  Where does color end?"
O:  "Oh I know that.  When you close your eyes and go blind."
T:  "Where does the color go?"
O':  "It just goes inside and away for awhile."
T:  "mmmm...I'm still confused on where color ends."
O:  "Mommy, at my preschool we all knew that color is light.  So when it's dark there is no color.  That's when color ends."
T:  "Wow O'!  You sure know a lot about color and light."
O:  (smile)  "Yep, I'm sort of a color expert."

So, she's a "sort of" color expert at age five.  I'm forty and I'm still asking questions.  Kindergarten SUCKS!

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