Friday, October 14, 2011


This morning, O is sitting at the kitchen bar coloring her Johnny Appleseed picture.  My back is to her as I am packing her lunch and she says, "My tummy hurts."  I don't react right away.  She then adds, "Never mind.  Obviously you're not listening." 

"Wait.  I was listening, love.  You said your tummy hurts?  Does it feel like butterflies or do you feel sick like you want to throw up?"  All the while I'm praying five Our Father's that it's butterflies!

"No Mommy.  Ugh! Can we un-talk about this?" she then asks.

All of a sudden an image flashed forward in my mind.  Much like the commercial about the five year old child sitting in the driver seat while she is discussing with her father her responsibilities behind the wheel, she then morphs into teenage girl.  

In my kitchen I felt like O was all of a sudden a teenager and the next word out of her mouth would be, "Whatever!"  

So I ask, "Did you say un-talk?  Do you mean like don't discuss or do you mean like rewind or maybe undo?"  What the hell is that?  I just had someone tell me what OMG stood for and now "un-talk?"  My mind drifts to my contact list as I consider who I might call to get a definition on this one--EMMA!

Her response, "Oh Mom!". 

It's not mom it's mommy or mama.  My five year old turned into a teenager overnight!  Kindergarten SUCKS!

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