Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Zig Zag

Every day gets better and better.  O was a little nervous this morning, somewhere in between changing her pajamas and brushing her teeth she talked through the anxiety and by the time we left, she was ready to seize the day in Kindergarten.

I too had something to seize upon...Missoni at Target.  It all started when a girlfriend of mine who's a pretty hip chick, mentioned she wanted to check it out on Tuesday morning and asked if I thought that might be weird?  "No!  That's not weird at all", I texted,  "I'm in".  I mean I'm never up on all the latest fashions so I rely on friends like her to keep me posted. After the anxiety-ridden first week of school, I'll spend a little money to make me feel like I have just a little more happiness in my closet (I mean I'm NOT shopping at SAX)!  I'm SO there.  She said she'd keep me posted but I didn't hear from her.    

So this morning after waving goodbye to O, I asked some mom's at the bus stop if they were interested in Missoni at Target, but none of them were, so I went home and started writing my blog, well sort of as I had writers block.  An hour later, Jo, another girlfriend just as hip, called and said she was in the neighborhood.  "Great!  Want to go to Target and check out the Missoni collection?" I asked.  Nah...she only has an hour before she picks up her youngest at preschool. "OK."  I said, "No big deal.  Let's go grab a coffee."  I mean it's Target.  I can go online.  I can go to the store later.  I'd rather spend time with Jo discussing kids, feelings and kindergarten.  Maybe it will rid me of my writers block.  

Much to my excitement, she replied, "Wait.  We can get there, shop and be back in an hour, right?  Let's go check it out."  My kinda girl!  So we hopped in the car and drove 10 minutes to the closest Target.  On our way there, we giggled, we laughed, and chatted it up.  Our kids had gone to the same preschool, so she told me about her sweet kindergartener who said a prayer the other night thanking God for his teacher and then said a prayer last night thanking God for his new best friend, Mike.  He too had a difficult week last week.

So there we were two mom's of first time kindergarteners.  We were going to spend a little money on ourselves and we were so excited about experiencing Missoni together.  I mean the Missoni collection wasn't just about clothes, even though that's what we wanted.  Target advertised Missoni in bedding, scarves, lingerie, storage containers, notebooks, cups, glasses, wine holders, towels, furniture, you name it.  I pictured us putting some clothes in the cart, being honest about what looks good, what doesn't, and maybe even grabbing coffee on the way home. 

We pull into the parking lot and there's a front-row space.  Rockstar parking!  Cool!  Things are going our way!  I see a few people walking to their cars with the Missoni zig zag hanging out of their bags.  We head in and grab a cart.  We go get some sunscreen and head to the back section where Target usually puts the "World Market Collection", however we notice the big haunted house hanging overhead and realize this is Halloween stuff not Missoni.  

We venture back to the women's clothing and we see the racks with the zig zag print, but wait, THE RACKS ARE EMPTY!  Well almost.  Well wait.  There's still three items hanging there. We go and see if they are our size?  NO.  There are however, sales people in red shirts standing there talking.  I look around and notice three different carts with zig zags and I think, Oh great, they're putting more stock out. We got here just in time.  Oh wait, there's milk in one of those carts.  Oh no.  Those carts belong to the women asking the sales people if there's more stock coming.  Wait for the answer.  Wait for it.  Wait for it.  NO.  Everything they had in stock is out.  Unbelievable!

Jo reaches for her cell phone and calls our friend who went earlier and she says everything was gone then too.  She says people were lined up at 6:00 this morning.  She suggests we start stealing it out of other people's carts so we can throw it up on ebay and make a few bucks!  I was tempted cause if they got mad, I would just tell them to go read my blog so they understand how much I need Missoni!

Wait.  "Dressing rooms!" I whisper to Jo.  We race to the red dressing room doors and ask if there's any Missoni left, however there's nothing but a pair of child size 12 flats. These are cute.  O will love these.  I think.  I ask Jo what she thinks and she replies, "I don't know, but I sure as hell wouldn't leave them there.  Put them in the cart and think about it."  

Jo calls her hip mom on her cell phone to inform her that the cicadas have descended on Target and have flown away with all of the Missoni collection.  We head over to the girls section and there's still a few cute Missoni items left.  We grab a skirt and a dress for O.  Why is it that every time I shop I always end up spending money on my daughter rather than me?  I love that girl!  We head over to the pen and paper section and find two Missoni candles.  We need these.  If nothing else, it's an event to remember.  

We wait in line to check out.  Target is buzzing.  All the hip chicks are talking about the out-of-stock Missoni collection.  I decide to let it go, because there is always Target shopping online.  As we are walking out, we see a woman with a very large Missoni suitcase and another who's basket is filled to the rim with Missoni bedding and another who's basket is stacked three feet high with Missoni storage boxes.  We get in the car and look around and come to the realization that the parking lot is filled with mini vans all owned by mom's just like us who dropped their children off at the bus today and raced to Target to get the snazzy Missoni dress for the fall.  The one that no one could get.  The one that gives a girl a little happiness for her closet.  On the way home we talk about how amazing Target marketed this.  That whoever was the brains behind this one, was getting a good promotion right about now.  

I immediately get online when I get home.  The website is down.  You have got to be kidding me!  I keep refreshing.  As soon as I get two dresses in my cart and the sweater Jo really wants I click cart.  I type in all my information and click submit order and NOOOOOOOOOOOO!  It says ERROR!  NOOOOOOO!  I refresh again.  I go back to Target.com and there is the white dog with the Target bullet over his eye and this message:
We are suddenly extremely popular. You may not be able to access our site momentarily due to unusually high traffic. Please stay here and we'll try to get you in as soon as we can! You will be automatically moved into the site when a spot is available. Please do not refresh this page or else you will lose your place in line!

So I wait.  I listen to direction.  I wait.  Finally it brings me into the website.  WHAT?  UNBELIEVABLE!  My cart is empty?  Where's my three items?  I call Target but the phone system just keeps repeating itself.  Really?  I can't believe this.  NO!  This is nuts; all for some ZIGZAG?  

I sit back and laugh.  This is hilarious.  This is crazy.  How did I ever get so caught up.  O got a skirt, a dress and a pair of shoes that are 2 sizes too big for her and she's going to look adorable walking to that bus this fall.  What will I wear?  O's closet is happy.  Mine is sad.  My day was full of zig zags but none that I can wear with leggings and a headband.  I had a whole lot of fun releasing some steam with Jo, but I won't be walking to the bus stop in my Missoni and for that reason kindergarten SUCKS!

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